
Outreach Toolkits

Discover our comprehensive online toolkit designed to support Suicide Prevention. Access valuable resources and information to help prevent suicide.


Suicide Cluster Toolkit 

Suicide is a tragedy, leaving a devastating impact on families, friends and loved ones. When multiple suicides or attempts happen together, called a suicide cluster or contagion, it’s important for schools, workplaces and communities to respond quickly. Together, we can help individuals deal with loss, navigate trauma and find resources to prevent more suicides from happening.

Social Media 

Share these social media posts to encourage community members and survivors of suicide loss to find help and support.


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Losing someone to suicide is devastating. And grief feels different for everyone. The best thing you can do? Talk about it. Call, text or chat 988 for support, and find local grief support groups: https://sdsuicideprevention.org/survivors/survivor- support-groups-in-south-dakota/.


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Talking about suicide doesn’t cause it. In fact, sharing stories of hope and healing from suicide actually helps us get through this crisis. If you’re concerned about a loved one or know someone affected by suicide loss, reach out and let them know you’re here to help.


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There’s one way through a traumatic suicide event – and that’s together. If you’re having suicidal thoughts or living with grief from a loss, you’re never alone. Call, text or chat 988, and find other resources at https://sdsuicideprevention.org/get-help/ thinking-about-suicide/. Remember – you belong here.

Safety Planning Guide 


For individuals living with depression or navigating suicidal thoughts, safety plans are effective ways to cope and get help. By identifying warning signs, coping strategies and more, we can help prevent more suicides from happening. Download this template for your school or organizations to share with individuals who might benefit from a safety plan.

Strategic Communication Resources 


Provider Partnership



Communication Best Practices





Suicide Cluster Fact Sheet 


Community Outreach 


Press Release 











Email Template 

This email content can be used and adapted to share with students, parents, coworkers and anyone else affected by a suicide cluster.
